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Tag: Assam Rifles

Assam Rifles Sports Quota Recruitment Rally 2024-2025

Assam Rifles (AR) invited applications for recruitment to the following 38 Vacancies of Rifleman/ Riflewoman GD under Sports Quota (Meritorious Sportsperson). All eligible male and female candidates can apply online for the Sports Quota Bharti Vacancies of Athletics, Fencing, Football,…

Assam Rifles Tradesman Bharti 1380 Technical 2022-2023

Assam Rifles invited online applications for filling up the following 1380 Vacancies of Tradesman and Technical (Group B & C) in Naib Subedar, Havildar, Warrant Officer and Rifleman rank. All eligible male and female candidates can apply online for the…

Assam Rifles Recruitment Rally Open & Relation 213 Jobs 2018-2019

Assam Rifles (AR) has released the next recruitment notice for filling up the following 213 Vacancies of Soldier GD, Clerk, Personal Assistant, Technical and Tradesman through Compassionate Ground (Relation) Rally. All eligible male and female candidates may apply for Assam…