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Tag: Driver

CISF Constable Driver Recruitment DCPO 1124 Posts 2025

Central Industrial Security Force has invited applications for filling up the following 1124 Vacancies of Constable Driver and DCPO (Driver-Cum-Pump-Operator) Fire Services. All eligible male candidates can submit online form for the CISF Constable DCPO Driver Bharti Vacancies through cisfrectt.cisf.gov.in…

ITBP Constable Driver Recruitment 545 Posts 2024-2025

Indo Tibetan Border Police Force invited applications for recruitment to the following 545 Vacancies of Constable Driver, Group C Non-Gazetted (Non-Ministerial). All eligible male candidates may submit online application form for the ITBP Driver Bharti Constable Vacancies through recruitment.itbpolice.nic.in from…

ASC Centre South 2 ATC Group C Civilian Recruitment

Ministry of Defence ASC Centre (South) has released notification for filling up the following Civilian Group C Vacancies at various Stations. All eligible Indian citizens can apply for the ASC Centre Bharti Vacancies of CCI, Cook, MTS, Civil Motor Driver,…

UKSSSC वाहन ड्राइवर भर्ती and Exam Syllabus (34 Vacancies)

UKSSSC invited applications for filling up the following 34 Vacancies of Driver (वाहन चालक) in State Property Department, Uttarakhand Governor’s Secretariat and Technical Education Board Roorkee. All eligible candidates can apply online for the Uttarakhand Vahan Chalak Bharti Vacancies through…

IB Motor Transport (Driver) Recruitment 677 Posts 2023-2024

Intelligence Bureau (IB) invited applications for filling up the following 677 Vacancies of Security Assistant (Motor Transport) and MTS (General). All eligible Indian citizens can apply online for the Intelligence Bureau Driver Bharti Vacancies through the website www.mha.gov.in up to…

SSB Tradesman Recruitment 543 Constable 2023-2024

Sashastra Seema Bal invited online applications for the following 543 Vacancies of Constable Driver, Veterinary and Tradesman (Carpenter, Blacksmith, Tailor, Gardner, Cobbler, Painter, Washerman, Barber, Safaiwala, Cook and Water Carrier). All eligible male and female candidates can apply online for…