Railway Sports Quota Recruitment Group D Posts 2025-2026 | Kendriya Vidyalaya KV Bageshwar PGT TGT PRT Vacancies | Kendriya Vidyalaya Lansdowne PGT, TGT, PRT and Other Posts | Indian Air Force Sports Quota AV Recruitment 2025-2026 | Uttarakhand Samuh G Recruitment Group C Posts 2025-2026 | UKPSC and UKSSSC Exam Calendar 2025-2026 (समूह ग और अन्य) | Indian Army NCC Special Entry Scheme 58th Course 2025 | Uttarakhand GDS Recruitment Post Office Form (568 Posts) | India Post GDS Recruitment 21413 Posts All States 2025-2026 | Kendriya Vidyalaya Raiwala PGT, TGT, PRT and Other Vacancies |

Tag: TGT

Railway PGT TGT Primary Teacher Recruitment (1036 Posts)

Indian Railways has invited applications to fill the following 1036 Vacancies of PGT, TGT, PRT, Junior Translator, Chief Law Assistant etc in various RRBs against Ministerial and Isolated Categories Recruitment. All eligible male and female candidates can apply online for…

Eklavya Model Residential School (EMRS) Khatima Vacancies

Eklavya Vidyalaya Sangathan Samiti has released interview notification for appointment as Guest Teacher (TGT) at Eklavya Model Residential School (EMRS), Khatima, US Nagar. Eligible candidates may attend the interview for the EMRS Teacher Vacancies along with prescribed Bio-Data form downloaded…

KVS TGT Syllabus All Subjects New Exam Scheme (3176 Posts)

Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan has initiated selection process for filling up the 3176 Posts of Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT) by direct recruitment. Candidates preparing for the upcoming exam can find here the latest KVS TGT Syllabus and Exam Scheme for all…

KVS PGT TGT Primary Teacher Recruitment 13404 Posts 2023

Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan invited applications for filling up the following 13404 Vacancies of Principal, PGT, TGT, PRT, Librarian, Secretariat Assistant etc by direct recruitment. All eligible male and female candidates can apply online for the KVS Teacher Vacancies through the…

2200 NVS TGT PGT Recruitment Navodaya Vidyalaya 2022

Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti invited applications for the following 2200 Vacancies of Principal, PGT, TGT and Other teachers (Music, Art, PET and Librarian) in Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya (JNV)/ NVS HQ/ Regional Offices. Out of 2200 posts, 1616 Vacancies will be filled…

Eklavya Adarsh Awasiya Vidyalaya Dehradun Teacher Vacancies

Eklavya Adarsh Awasiya Vidyalaya, Dehradun (Uttarakhand) released advertisement for filling up the vacant posts of Post Graduate Teacher (PGT) and Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT) for Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Economics, History, English, Maths, Social Science, Spoken English and PET (Female). Walk…