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Tag: Defence Jobs (Page 10/26)

Agnipath Bharti Scheme in Indian Army, Air Force and Navy

The Central Govt has introduced a new scheme for recruitment in the Armed Forces (Indian Army/ Air Force/ Navy) as Agniveer i.e. the Agnipath Scheme. Under this scheme, Agniveers will be selected to serve the Armed Forces for a duration…

ITBP HC CM ASI Steno Recruitment 286 Posts 2022-2023

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force invited online applications for filling up the following 248 Vacancies of Head Constable (Combatant Ministerial) and 38 Vacancies of ASI Stenographer against Direct Entry (DE) and LDCE. All eligible male and female candidates may apply online…

BSF Water Wing Recruitment 281 SI HC Constable 2022-2023

Border Security Force invited applications for filling up the following 281 Vacancies of Sub Inspector, Head Constable and Constable through the Water Wing Group B and C Recruitment Exam. All eligible male candidates can apply online for the BSF Water…

Assam Rifles Tradesman Bharti 1380 Technical 2022-2023

Assam Rifles invited online applications for filling up the following 1380 Vacancies of Tradesman and Technical (Group B & C) in Naib Subedar, Havildar, Warrant Officer and Rifleman rank. All eligible male and female candidates can apply online for the…

Army Western Command Defence Civilian Recruitment

Indian Army has released a bharti notification for filling up the following Defence Civilian Vacancies at HQ Western Command and formations under Western Command. All eligible Indian citizens can apply for the Group C posts of Librarian, Steno, LDC, Fireman,…

JAK Rifles Regiment Jabalpur Bharti Group C Vacancies

Indian Army has released a recruitment notification for filling up the following Group C Vacancies (Defence Civilian) for Jammu and Kashmir Rifles Regimental Centre Jabalpur (MP). All eligible Indian citizens can apply for the JAK RIF Regt Recruitment of Stenographer,…