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SSC MTS and Havaldar Recruitment 9583 Posts 2024-2025

Staff Selection Commission invited applications for 9583 Vacancies of Multi Tasking Staff (Non-Technical) in various departments/ offices and Havaldar in CBIC and CBN. All eligible 10th pass male and female candidates can apply online for the SSC MTS Havaldar Bharti Vacancies through ssc.gov.in up to 03rd Aug 2024. SSC MTS and Havaldar Recruitment Group C 2024-2025 as online application form, vacancy details, eligibility, selection process, physical PET PST, exam syllabus etc info is given below.

SSC MTS Havaldar Group C Recruitment 2024-2025

SSC MTS Group C Vacancies (earlier known as Group D posts such a Peon, Daftary, Jamadar, Junior Gestetner Operator, Farash, Chowkidar, Mali etc) will be filled in Ministries/ Departments/ Offices of the Government of India and and various Constitutional Bodies/ Statutory Bodies/ Tribunals etc in different States/ UTs.

While, SSC Havaldar Vacancies will be filled in Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC) and Central Bureau of Narcotics (CBN) under Department of Revenue, Ministry of Finance.

Pay Scale – Rs 18000-56900 (Pay Matrix level-1 as per 7th CPC).
Total Number of Vacancies – 9583 Posts (MTS-6144 and Havaldar-3439).

See also: SSC CGL Recruitment 17727 Group C and B Posts 2024-2025

SSC MTS Vacancy Details:

Number of Vacancies – 6144 Posts (Revised). MTS State/UT wise vacancy details will be intimated after finalization by the Commission.

State/UT wise distribution of vacancies (to be notified):

Punjab-, Jammu & Kashmir-, Chandigarh-, Himachal Pradesh-, Haryana-, UT Ladakh-, Delhi-, Rajasthan-, Uttarakhand-, Uttar Pradesh-, Bihar-, West Bengal-, Odisha-, Jharkhand-, Sikkim-, Andaman & Nicobar Island-, Assam-, Arunachal Pradesh-, Manipur-, Nagaland-, Meghalaya-, Mizoram-, Tripura-, Madhya Pradesh-, Chhattisgarh-, Maharashtra-, Gujarat-, Goa-, Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu-, Andhra Pradesh-, Telangana-, Tamil Nadu-, Puducherry-, Karnataka-, Kerala- and Lakshdweep-.

SSC Havaldar Vacancy Details:

Number of Vacancies – 3439 Posts

CGST: Aurangabad-06, Bengaluru-131, Bhopal-157, Bhubaneswar-71, Chandigarh-79, Chennai-135, Delhi-10, Goa-13, Guwahati-140, Hyderabad-339, Jaipur-74, Kolkata-353, Lucknow-72, Mumbai-304, Pune-09, Ranchi-138, Thiruvananthapuram-75 and Vadodara-550.
Customs: Chennai-140, Goa-18, Kolkata-97, Mumbai-23, Thiruvananthapuram-37 and Vishakhapatnam-17.
Directorate: CBN-269 and DGPM-182.

See also: SSC Stenographer Exam Grade C and D Vacancies

Eligibility Criteria (Age and Educational Qualification)

Age Limit (As on 01.08.2024):
MTS (Multi Tasking Staff) – 18 to 25 years i.e. candidates must be born between 02.08.1999 and 01.08.2006 (both dates inclusive).
Havaldar in CBIC and CBN – 18 to 27 years i.e. candidates must be born between 02.08.1997 and 01.08.2006 (both dates inclusive).

Relaxation in upper age limit for SC, ST, OBC, Ex-Servicemen and other categories is applicable as per Govt rules.

Educational Qualification – 10th Pass (Matriculation) or equivalent qualification from a recognized Board.

See also: SSC CHSL Recruitment Exam DEO LDC JSA Posts

Selection Process, Physical PET PST and Exam Syllabus

SSC MTS and Havaldar recruitment process consists of Computer Based Examination (Session-1 and Session-2), Physical Efficiency Test/ Physical Standard Test (for Havaldar) and Document verification. The performance of candidates in CBE Session-1 will be evaluated first and performance in Session-2 will be evaluated only if a candidate qualifies in Session-1.

Thereafter, MTS candidates will be called for document verification on the basis of performance in CBE Session-2. For the post of Havaldar, candidates will be shortlisted for PET/PST on the basis of performance in Session-2.

Final selection of candidates will be based on their performance in CBE Session-2 Exam, qualifying in PET/ PST (for Havaldar), the preference of States/ UTs/ CCAs given by them in the online application form and the age-group of the candidates.

Computer Based Examination (CBE)

The Computer Based Examination consists of Session-1 and Session-2. Each session will be of 45 Minutes duration (60 Minutes for candidates eligible for scribes). There will be no negative marking in Session-1. In Session-2, there will be negative marking of 01 mark for each wrong answer. The CBE consists of Objective Type Multiple Choice Questions as per the pattern below:

Session 1:

  • Numerical and Mathematical Ability: 20 Questions (60 Marks)
  • Reasoning Ability and Problem Solving: 20 Questions (60 Marks)

Session 2:

  • General Awareness: 25 Questions (75 Marks)
  • English Language and Comprehension: 25 Questions (75 Marks)

Minimum qualifying marks in Session-1 and Session-2 exam will be 30% for Unreserved category, 25% for OBC/ EWS and 20% for all other categories. The latest and detailed SSC MTS/ Havaldar Syllabus is given below.

For the post of MTS, group-wise, category-wise and State/ UT-wise separate cut off marks will be fixed by the Commission. The merit list will be prepared solely based on performance in Session-2.

For the post of Havaldar, candidates will be shortlisted in the ratio of 1:7 (vacancies:candidates) for appearing in PET/ PST and on the basis of their performance in Session-2 of CBE. The Commission may fix CCA-wise and category-wise cut-offs in Session-2 of CBE.

Havaldar Physical Test (PET/ PST)

Physical Efficiency Test (PET):
Walking – Male: 1600 meters in 15 minutes and Female: 1 Km in 20 minutes.

Physical Standard Test (PST):
Male CandidatesHeight: 157.5 Cms (5 Cms relaxation for Garhwalis, Assamese, Gorkhas and members of Schedule Tribes) and Chest: 76 Cms (Unexpanded) with 5 Cms minimum expansion.

Female CandidatesHeight: 152 Cms (2.5 Cms relaxation for Garhwalis, Assamese, Gorkhas and members of Schedule Tribes) and Weight: 48 kg (2 Kg relaxation for Garhwalis, Assamese, Gorkhas and members of Schedule Tribes).

On the basis performance in CBE Session-2, qualifying in PET/ PST (for Havaldar) and scoring the cut-off marks in Session-2, candidates will be shortlisted for the Document Verification to check their eligibility as per the information given by them in the online application. Candidates qualified in Document Verification will be considered for final selection in the post of MTS/ Havaldar.

MTS/ Havaldar Syllabus

Numerical and Mathematical Ability – It will include questions on problems relating to Integers and Whole Numbers, LCM and HCF, Decimals and Fractions, Relationship between numbers, Fundamental Arithmetic Operations and BODMAS, Percentage, Ratio and Proportions, Work and Time, Direct and inverse Proportions, Averages, Simple Interest, Profit and Loss, Discount, Area and Perimeter of Basic Geometric Figures, Distance and Time, Lines and Angles, Interpretation of simple Graphs and Data, Square and Square roots etc.

Reasoning Ability and Problem Solving – The questions in this part intend to measure the candidates’ general learning ability. The questions will be broadly based on Alpha-Numeric Series, Coding and Decoding, Analogy, Following Directions, Similarities and Differences, Jumbling, Problem Solving and Analysis, Non-verbal Reasoning based on diagrams, age Calculations, Calendar and Clock, etc.

General Awareness – The broad coverage of the test will be on Social Studies (History, Geography, Art and Culture, Civics, Economics), General Science and Environmental studies up to 10th Standard.

English Language and Comprehension – Candidates understanding of the basics of English Language, its vocabulary, grammar, sentence structure, synonyms, antonyms and its correct usage, etc. and to test comprehension, a simple paragraph may be given and question based on the paragraph to be asked.

See also: SSC CPO SI Selection Process, PST PET and Exam Syllabus

Application form, Important Dates and Notification

Eligible and interested candidates are required to apply online for the SSC MTS and Havaldar Recruitment through the website ssc.gov.in up to 03rd Aug 2024. Before applying online, keep ready your Mobile number, Email ID, Aadhaar Number/ Voter ID Card/ PAN/ Driving License, Educational details, Disability certificate number (if applicable) and Scanned copies of passport size colour photograph (20 to 50 KB) and Signature (10 to 20 KB) in JPEG format.

Online application contains two parts as One Time Registration and Application form filling. Registration Part (basic details, contact details, photograph and signature) is compulsory for the one-time registration for any examination conducted by SSC. After the registration process, candidates can log into the system using Registration number and Password and can proceed for application form filling.

After submission of online form and fee, take printout of the application form for record. You are not required to send the printout of application form to the Commission.

Application fee:
General and OBC candidates are required to pay Rs 100/- as application fee. The fee can be paid through BHIM UPI, Net Banking, by using Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, RuPay Credit or Debit cards or through cash in SBI Branches by generating SBI Challan. SC, ST, Persons with Disabilities, Ex-serviceman and Female candidates are exempted from payment of application fee.

Important Dates (Revised):

  • Last date of submission of application form: 03rd Aug 2024 (11 PM)
  • Last date of payment of application fee (Online): 04th Aug 2024 (11 PM)
  • Application form correction: 16th to 17th Aug 2024 (11 PM)
  • CBE Exam date: 30th Sep to 14th Nov 2024

Register and submit online application form for the SSC MTS and Havaldar Recruitment by visiting at the direct link provided below. For more details about MTS Bharti Exam 2024-2025, download the official Recruitment Notification or advertisement in pdf format.


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6 Comments on "SSC MTS and Havaldar Recruitment 9583 Posts 2024-2025"

  1. Poulami Kundu says:

    i m not sure whether my application has been submitted successfully or not because neither i have got a confirmation mail nor any sort of assurance message. I cant understand what is the next step I have to take or just sit and wait for the admit card notification.

    Would be glad if i get a reply to my query.

  2. sir i face a diffculty in payment mode i have done my payment but due to network problem the payment is not completed after that i again try but it seem error just like you payment aleredy in process plese inform me in my email id kpc.imsecgzb93@gmail.com

  3. kamalakannan g says:

    hai guys..i have a small doubt for fill up my application in ssc..state/UT CODE..anybody know pls tell me..
    State -Tamil nadu..center is..Trichy..Its my first form of SSC

    1. Download the MTS Recruitment notice and find the State/ UT code under "Centres of Examination".

  4. What is medical process? ?

  5. Santosh kumar says:

    Babu post office helper

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