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SSC GD Selection Process, PST PET and Exam Syllabus 2025

Staff Selection Commission has initiated recruitment process for the selection of 39481 Constable GD in CAPFs (BSF, CISF, CRPF, SSB & ITBP), SSF, Rifleman in Assam Rifles and Sepoy in NCB. The selection process consists of Computer Based Exam (CBE), Physical Standard Test, Physical Efficiency Test and Medical Examination. SSC GD Selection Process 2025, CBE Syllabus, Physical (Height, Chest, Weight), PST PET, Medical Exam, Document Verification, Admit Card, Result etc info is given below.

SSC GD Selection Process, CBE and Physical Test

Constable GD exam will be conducted by the SSC at various centers of respective region (Central Region, Eastern, North Eastern, Northern Region, North Western Sub-Region, Southern, Western Region etc). Computer Based Examination (CBE) will be conducted by SSC and the remaining tests (PST, PET, Medical Exam and Document Verification) will be conducted by the CAPFs.

Final result and force allocation will be declared by SSC based on the Computer Based Examination merit and preference of force opted by candidates. PST, PET and Medical Exam is qualifying in nature.

Under the SSC GD Selection procedure, you will have to undergo the different tests (stages) in the sequence as follows:

  • Computer Based Examination (CBE)
  • Physical Standard Test (PST)
  • Physical Efficiency Test (PET)
  • Medical Examination (DME/ RME)
  • Document Verification

For online application form, eligibility criteria, vacancy details, notification and other details about the SSC Constable GD Recruitment, you may check the latest information on the link below.

See also: SSC GD Bharti BSF, CISF, CRPF, SSB, ITBP, AR and SSF 2025

Admit Card for any stage of examination will not be sent by Post. You are advised to visit CRPF website www.crpf.gov.in, SSC-HQ and concerned SSC Regional Office website regularly for timely downloading of the admit cards for CBE, PST/PET and Medical Examination/ Document Verification

SSC Constable GD Selection Procedure

The recruitment process consists of Computer Based Examination (CBE), Physical Standard Test (PST), Physical Efficiency Test (PET), Medical Examination (DME/ RME) and Document Verification as given in detail below:

Computer Based Examination (CBE)

Firstly, candidates whose application forms are found to be in order will be issued Admit Card (will be available on the website of the concerned SSC Regional Office about 3-7 Days before the exam) to appear in the Computer Based Examination as per the pattern and syllabus below:

Examination Pattern:
SSC GD CBE (Computer based exam) will be of 01 Hour duration and will consist of total 80 objective type multiple choice questions (02 mark each). The question paper will be of 10th standard and will comprise of questions based on General Intelligence, Reasoning, General Knowledge, General Awareness, Elementary Mathematics and English/ Hindi as follows:

  • General Intelligence and Reasoning – 20 Questions (40 Marks)
  • General Knowledge and General Awareness – 20 Questions (40 Marks)
  • Elementary Mathematics – 20 Questions (40 Marks)
  • English/ Hindi – 20 Questions (40 Marks)

There will be negative marking of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer given by candidates. The computer based exam will be conducted in English, Hindi and 13 Regional languages as Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Konkani, Malayalam, Manipuri, Marathi, Odia, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu and Urdu.

SSC GD Syllabus – Subject-wise SSC Constable GD Syllabus is as follows:

General Intelligence and Reasoning – Analytical aptitude and ability to observe and distinguish patterns (non-verbal type), analogies, similarities and differences, spatial visualization, spatial orientation, visual memory, discrimination, observation, relationship concepts, arithmetical reasoning and figural classification, arithmetic number series, nonverbal series, coding and decoding etc.

General Knowledge and General Awareness – General awareness, current events, questions related to India and its neighboring countries especially on sports, History, Culture, Geography, Economic Scene, General Polity, Indian Constitution and scientific Research etc.

Elementary Mathematics – Number Systems, Computation of Whole Numbers, Decimals and Fractions and relationship between Numbers, Fundamental arithmetical operations, Percentages, Ratio and Proportion, Averages, Interest, Profit and Loss, Discount, Mensuration, Time and Distance, Ratio and Time, Time and Work etc.

English/ Hindi (25 Questions) – Testing the ability to understand basic English/ Hindi language and testing basic comprehension.

SSC Constable GD Mock Test for the Computer Based Examination (CBE) will be made available by the Commission before the exam.

Minimum Cut-off marks (without NCC bonus marks) for qualifying in CBE exam:
Unreserved Category – 30% Marks
EWS/OBC Category – 25% Marks
All Other Categories – 20% Marks

Bonus marks for NCC Certificate holders:
NCC C Certificate – 5% of total marks
NCC B Certificate – 3% of total marks
NCC A Certificate – 2% of total marks

Marks scored by candidates in the Computer Based Examination will be normalized by using the formula published by the Commission. SSC GD Answer Key of the Computer Based Examination will be published through the website of the Commission after the Examination.

Physical Efficiency Test (PET)

Based on the performance in Computer Based Examination, shortlisted candidates will have to appear for physical tests PST/PET on due dates which will be intimated by CAPFs. The number of candidates shortlisted for PST/PET will be about 08 times of the number of vacancies. Shortlisted candidates will have to go through biometric verification before PST/PET.

Ex-Servicemen shortlisted for PST/ PET will have to appear for recording of measurement of height, chest and weight only. PET will not be held for these Ex-servicemen candidates. However, they will have to qualify the medical examination.

PST/PET Admit Card will be made available by CRPF to download from crpf.gov.in about 02 Weeks before the physical tests. In case of non-receipt of Admit Card, you may contact at CRPF recruitment helpline number 011-26160255.

The Physical Efficiency Test (PET) consists of the following event:

Race: Male-05 Kms within 24 Minutes and Female-1.6 Kms within 8½ Minutes.
[Race (For candidates of Ladakh Region only): Male-1.6 Kms within 7 Minutes and Female-800 Meters within 5 Minutes]

Physical Standard Test (PST)

Candidates qualified in PET will be put through the Physical Standard Test (PST). Physical Standards (Height, Chest and Weight) for Constable GD (Male/Female) will be measured as follows:

UR/SC/OBC Category – Male: 170 Cms and Female: 157 Cms.
ST Category – Male: 162.5 Cms and Female: 150 Cms (157 Cms for male candidates and 147.5 Cms for female candidates from North-Eastern States).
Garhwalis, Kumaonis, Gorkhas, Dogras, Marathas and candidates from Assam, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh – Male: 165 Cms and Female: 155 Cms.
North Eastern States of Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim and Tripura – Male: 162.5 Cms and Female: 152.5 Cms.
Candidates from Gorkha Territorial Administration – Male: 157 Cms and Female: 152.5 Cms.

Chest (Only for male candidates):
UR/SC/OBC Category – 80-85 Cms.
ST Category – 76-81 Cms.
Garhwalis, Kumaonis, Gorkhas, Dogras, Marathas and candidates from Assam, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh – 78-83 Cms.
For North Eastern States of Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim, Tripura and Gorkha Territorial Administration – 77-82 Cms.

Weight (Male and Female): Proportionate to height and age as per medical standards.

See also: SSC CPO SI Selection Process, PST PET and Exam Syllabus

Medical Examination and Document Verification

Candidates shortlisted in PST/PET will be put through Detailed Medical Examination, which will be conducted by CAPFs at the decided centres. The number of candidates shortlisted for the DME/ DV on the basis of their merit in the Computer Based examination will be about 02 times of the number of vacancies.

DME Admit Card will be available to download from www.crpf.gov.in about 02 Weeks before the exam. The candidates will be medically examined to assess their physical and medical fitness for appointment as per Medical Standards.

At the time of Detailed Medical Examination (DME), you will have to produce the following original documents/ certificates:

  • Matriculation/ Secondary Exam Certificate as a proof of age, name and educational qualification.
  • Domicile Certificate/ Permanent Resident Certificate (PRC) issued by the competent authority.
  • Valid NCC Certificate (if applicable).
  • Certificate from serving defense personnel in the prescribed format (if applicable).
  • Undertaking from Ex-Servicemen candidates in the prescribed format.
  • Caste Certificate (as applicable) in the prescribed format from the candidates seeking reservation/ age relaxation.
  • Certificate for relaxation in height/ chest measurement (if applicable).
  • Certificate from District Collector/ District Magistrate in respect of dependent applicants of riot victims as mentioned in recruitment notice (if applicable).
  • Nativity/ Identity Certificate by West Pakistani Refugee in the prescribed format (if applicable).

Final Selection – For selection in BSF, CISF, CRPF, SSB, ITBP and AR, State/UT wise and category wise final merit lists will be prepared on the basis of marks obtained by the candidates in the Computer Based Examination (including NCC bonus marks). Final selection of the candidates in SSF and NCB will be made on All India basis.

For any queries in respect of computer based examination, you may contact concerned Regional Helpline numbers. For any queries related to Admit card of PET/PST and DME/RME, you may contact Special Selection Board (Cell), Recruitment Branch, EastBlock No. 7, Level-4, Sector-01, R K Puram, New Delhi-110066 or their Helpline contact number 011-26160255.

Search any information available on this site by the help of the search box above. You may visit later on this page for more updates related to SSC GD Selection Process, Constable Physical Test, PET PST, CBE Exam Pattern, Syllabus etc.

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