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Indian Navy Tradesman Mate Bharti 1159 Vacancies 2021-2022

Indian Navy invited applications for recruitment to the following 1159 Vacancies of Tradesman Mate (TMM) as Group C Civilian Personnel at various commands through Indian Navy Civilian Entrance Test (INCET). All eligible candidates can apply online for the INCET TMM 01/2021 for the Tradesman Vacancies through the website www.joinindiannavy.nic.in from 22 February to 07 March 2021. Indian Navy Tradesman Mate Bharti Civilian TMM Recruitment 2021-2022 as online application form, vacancy details, eligibility criteria, selection process, exam syllabus, notification etc is given below.

Indian Navy Tradesman Mate Recruitment 01/2021

Indian Navy Tradesman Mate, TMM Civilian Vacancy, Group C BhartiPost Name – Tradesman Mate (Group C, Industrial)
Pay Scale (Salary) – Rs 18000-56900 (7th CPC Pay matrix level 1)
Age Limit – 18 to 25 years as on 07.03.2021 (relaxation in upper age limit as per Govt rules)
Educational Qualification – 10th Pass (Matriculation) from a recognized Board/ Institution and certificate from a recognized Industrial Training Institute (ITI).

Total Number of Vacancies – 1159 Posts
Command and Category wise vacancy details:
Eastern Naval Command Visakhapatnam (HQENC) – 710 Vacancies (UR-303, SC-116, ST-57, OBC-163, EWS-71)

Western Naval Command Mumbai (HQWNC) – 324 Vacancies (UR-133, SC-48, ST-24, OBC-87, EWS-32)
Southern Naval Command Kochi (HQSNC) – 125 Vacancies (UR-57, SC-16, ST-02, OBC-37, EWS-13)

See also: Indian Navy Sports Quota Recruitment Sailor Bharti

Indian Navy Tradesman Mate Work (Job Profile)

1. Working in production/ maintenance of Shop/ Ship/ Submarine.
2. General cleanliness & upkeep of the Section/ Unit.
3. Carrying of files and other papers within the Office area.
4. Photocopying, sending/ receiving of FAX, letters etc.
5. Other non-clerical work in the Sections/ Unit.
6. Assisting in routine office work like diary, dispatch etc including on computer.
7. Delivering of Dak (inside & outside the Section/ Unit)
8. Watch & ward duties.
9. Opening and closing duties
10. Cleaning of building, fixture etc.
11. Dusting of furniture etc.
12. Upkeeps of parks, lawns, potted plants etc.
13. Any other work assigned by superior authority

See also: SSB Tradesman Recruitment Constable Vacancies

Tradesman Selection Process and Exam Syllabus

Indian Navy Tradesman Mate selection process will consist of online computer based exam followed by document verification and medical examination. The online exam will be of maximum 100 Marks and will consist of total 100 Objective type questions based on General Intelligence and Reasoning, Numerical Aptitude, General English and General Awareness. Exam date, time and venue will be intimated to all shortlisted or eligible candidates through registered Mobile number/ E-mail ID and through websites www.joinindiannavy.gov.in and www.indiannavy.nic.in. The question paper will comprise of four parts as per the exam pattern and syllabus below:

  • General Intelligence and Reasoning – 25 Questions (25 Marks)
  • Numerical Aptitude/ Quantitative Ability – 25 Questions (25 Marks)
  • General English and Comprehension – 25 Questions (25 Marks)
  • General Awareness – 25 Questions (25 Marks)

Indian Navy Tradesman Mate Syllabus:
General Intelligence and Reasoning – It would include questions related to Mathematical operations, Series, Odd One Out, Logical Venn Diagrams, Analogy, Word Based Problems, Problems Solving, Drawing Inference, Coding-Decoding, Non Verbal Reasoning etc.

Numerical Aptitude/ Quantitative Ability – This part will include question on problems relating to Number Systems, Time & Work, Menstruation, Ratio and Proportion, Average, Profit and Loss, Discount, Percentage, Time and Distance, Simple and Compound Interest, Statistical Chart, Trigonometry, Geometry etc.

General English and Comprehension – In addition to the testing of candidates understanding of English language, its vocabulary, grammar, sentence structure, synonymous, antonyms, Comprehension and its correct usage etc.

General Awareness – The part will include questions relating to India and its neighboring countries especially pertaining to sports, history, culture, Geography, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Environmental Science, Economics scene, Current Events, General policy including Indian Constitution and scientific research etc. These questions will be such that they do not require special study of any discipline.

Document verification:
After the online exam, all documents pertaining to age, education, identity, address, category, caste validity certificate, ITI certificate etc of shortlisted candidates will be scrutinized and verified as per extant DoP&T policy. Date and Venue for the document verification will be intimated to all shortlisted candidates through registered Mobile number/ E-mail ID and by Post.

Final selection of candidates will be strictly based on their relative merit position in online exam subject to verification of documents, medical examination and other requirements as specified by the Govt of India and Appointing Authority.

See also: BSF Tradesman Recruitment Constable Vacancies

Online Application form, Important Dates and Notification

Eligible and desirous candidates are required to apply online for the Indian Navy Tradesman Mate Civilian Defence Vacancies through the website www.joinindiannavy.gov.in from 22 February to 07 March 2021. To apply online for the INCET-TMM-01/2021, firstly go through the registration process and then proceed to complete the remaining steps such as filling of application form, fee payment and uploading of documents, photograph and signature. You should have a valid/ active email ID, mobile number and scanned copies of passport size photograph, signature and following required documents for uploading online.

After the successful submission of online application form, take printout of the system generated form for record or future correspondence. The printout of online application form or any other documents are not required to send to the office.

Required Documents:
Keep ready scanned copy of the following required documents in jpeg/ jpg/ png/ pdf format to upload with the Indian Navy Tradesman online application form.
1. Passport size color photograph with white background (20 Kb to 50 Kb).
2. Candidate’s signature on a plain white paper with black ink (10 Kb to 20 Kb).
3. Caste certificate/ Economically Weaker Section (EWS) certificate (50 Kb to 200 Kb).
4. Birth certificate/ 10th pass certificate for Date of Birth.
5. Candidate’s mandatory and all additional education qualification proof (50 Kb to 200 Kb).
6. Discharge certificate (for Ex-serviceman).
7. Disability (PwBDs) certificate (if applicable).
8. Any other document (as applicable).

Examination fee: Rs 205/-
The fee can be paid online by using Visa/ Master/ RuPay Credit/ Debit Card/ UPI. SC, ST, PwBDs, Ex-Servicemen and female candidates are exempted from payment of exam fee.

Important Dates:
Opening date of registration of online form – 22 February 2021 (10 AM)
Last date of registration of online form – 07 March 2021 (05 PM)
Register and submit the online application form for the Tradesman Mate Civilian Recruitment through the direct link provided below. For more details about the Indian Navy Tradesman Bharti, download the Indian Navy Civilian Entrance Test (INCET) TMM 01/2021 recruitment notification in pdf format.
See also: CISF Tradesman Recruitment Constable Vacancies
See also: Indian Navy MR Bharti Steward, Chef and Hygienist
Navy Tradesman Recruitment Notice
Download Various Certificate Formats
Register and Submit Application form
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3 Comments on "Indian Navy Tradesman Mate Bharti 1159 Vacancies 2021-2022"

  1. Kishan Tiwari says:

    I passed 10th in Nepal so I can apply the Indian navy tradesman and one more thing that my dad in Indian army now he retired so I can apply form or not …This is my problem ,I am so confused ..Help me

  2. peddinti kangali says:

    iam interested indiannavy

  3. Sir exam kab hoga indian navy tradesman ka?

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