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UKPSC JE Mechanical Syllabus

Check the latest UKPSC JE Mechanical Syllabus for Paper-1 and Paper-2 Mechanical Engineering Diploma Level Exam as provided by the Commission.

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Mechanical Engineering (Paper-1)

Exam Type: Objective (MCQ), Questions: 180 (02 marks each), M. Marks: 360 and Time: 03 Hours.


Applied Mechanics

Forces: Transmissibility, moments and couples, funicular polygon, lami’s theorem, varigon theorem.

Friction: Limiting and dynamical friction, coefficient of friction, bodies on inclined planes, simple screw jack.

Machines: Basic terms-mechanical advantage, velocity ratio, mechanical efficiency.

Lifting machines: System of pulleys-weston differential pulleys. Stress and strain: Volumetric and lateral strains hooke’s law, poisson ratio, modulus of rigidity bulk modulus. Application to bars and composite sections.

Beams and trusses: Determinate cases, bow’s notation. Types of supports.

Graphical methods: Analytical methods of joints and sections.

Thin cylinders and spherical shells: Hoop stress, longitudinal stress. Changes in dimensions and volumes of thin shells subjected to internal pressure.

Theory of Machines and Automobile Technology

Slider crank mechanism: Turning moment in single cylinder engine: Fluctuation of speed and energy; crank effort diagrams, flywheel size. Gear drive: Gear trains; simple, compound, epicyclic and reverted. automobile gear box. Automobile differential.

Clutches: Function of clutch in automobiles. Single plate and multiplate clutches. Friction torque for uniform wear and uniform pressure.

Cams: Comcept, classification of different cams and followers. Application to automobile engines, simple cam profiles for uniform velocity, SHM and uniform acceleration balancing. Static and dynamic balancing. balancing of masses rotating in same plane. Basic concept of several masses rotating in different planes, Application to automobile engines. Belt drive. Derivation of limiting ratios of driveing tensions, centrifugal tension V-belts. Ropes and chains.

Dynamometers: Classification, functions, construction and working concepts.

Governor: Functions, classification: Watt, porter, hartnell, hartung. Elementary numericals about height, maximum and minimum radil, controlling force etc.

Mechanics of Solids

Mechanical properties of materials: Concept of stress and strain, stress-strain curves of mild steel, aluminium, cast iron rubber etc., various modulli determination of stresses and strains in bolts, stepped bars, compound bars and columns obligue plane. Principal stresses,mohr circle.

Shear force/ bending moments/ deflection: analysis of cases of concentrated and uniformly distributed load.

Shear force and bending moments diagrams: Cantilever, simply supported, overchanging beams.

Strain energy: resilience, derivation of formulae of strain energy for uniform bars in tension, shock load, shear stress. Modulus of resilience.

Torsion: solid and hollw circular shafts-polar modulus, weights, power transmitted.

Springs: close colled helical springs. Laminated springs. Maximum stress and central defiection, (simple numericals, no proof of formulae).

Columns and struts: long and short columns, slenderness ratio. End conditions and equivalent lenghts. Euler and rankine formulae (no derivation).


Material Science

Materials: Ferrous-iron, steel, alloy steels. Nonferrous metals-aluminium, zinc, copper, tin, lead. Nonmetallic materials-timber, polymers. Basic knowledge of their production.

Structure of materials: Crystalline, amorphous, arrangement of atoms. Crystal structure, imperfections. mechanical properties of common metals and alloys, deformation.

Heat treatment: Iron-carbon equilibrium diagram, TTT curves; recovery recrystallisation and grain growth, elementary concepts of hardening, tempering, annealing normalizing and case hardening.

Alliy elements: effects of alloying Cr,Co,Si,Mn etc., Tool steels, stainless steels, heat resisting alloys, spring steel.

Nonferrous materials: Duralumin, solders, brass, bronze, gnmetal, inconel.

Non-metallic materials: Timber-plywood, hard board, seasoning. Polymers, thermoplasts and thermosets. Heat insulating materials. Glass wool, thermocol, rubber.

Electric insulation materials: Bakelite, mica refractory materials; composites.

Design and Estimating

General design considerations for machine parts: Steps in machine design, factor of safety. Mechanical properties of materials, selection of materials. Machine parts subjected to the following loadings:
(i) Direct and shear loads: Theaded connection, cotter and knucle joints
(ii) Bending moment: Design for railway wagon axle and road vehicle axles. Proof load and proof stress. Semi elliptic laminated springs, maximum stress and deflection
(iii) Twisting moment: Solid and hollow shafts. Design of keys and coupling bolts in rigid flanged coupling.

Reveted and welded joints: Types of reveted joints, strength, efficiency, safe load and pitch of revets, lap and butt joints. Common types of welded joints, leg length, throat thickness and size of weld. Simple design for vee, butt, transverse fillet and parallel fillet welded joints.

Theories of failure: Maximum principal stress theory, maximum shear stress theory, concept of equivalent bending moment and torque.

Rolling elements bearing: Equivalent load, dynamic capacity, life of bearings.

Estimation of material requirements: Estimation of weight of simple machine parts. Review of the area/volume of triangle, hexagon, octagon, cylinder, frustum of cone and pyramid etc.

Estimation of time for common operations: Turning, facing, theading, drilling, shaping, chamfering. Simple problems pertaining to above. Estimation of cost: Concept of costing-direct materials, indirect materials, direct labour, indirect labour, overhead expenses. Break-even analysis.

Cost estimation of welding: Cost of materials, fabrication, preparation, welding, finishing and overhead expenses.

Industrial Engineering

Plant Layout: General plant location factors, selection of plant site. Product layout, process layout.

Standardization: National and international standards, value of standardization. Standardization techniques and problems.

Quality Control: Elements of quality control and objectives. Frequency distribution. X-R charts, P-charts, C-charts and acceptance sampling concept of production. Inspection and its objectives. Types of inspections.

Work Study: Flow process chart, flow diagrams, work measurement, time study. Time and motion study.

Products, planning and control: Sales forecasting and its uses. Planning-products, process, parts, materials. Optimum batch quantity for production and inventory. Routing, dispatching and follow-up activities.

Inventory control: Elements of control procedurers, types of controls. Inventory control system of bin and recorder cycle system. Safety stock concepts.

Material handling: Factors in material handling problems. Reduction of cost and time through improved material handling.

Material handling equipment: Lifting, lowering, transporting and combination devices.

Industrial safety: Need for safety-legal, humanitarian, economic and social considerations. Safety at work place-unsafe conditions and hazards-electrical hazards, lighting, ventilation, heat control, noise and vibrations, fire and explosion, chemical hazards; hygiene. Brief knowledge of relevant acts like factory act, workman compensation act, Indian boiler act, Indian electricity act, explosive act.

Mechanical Engineering (Paper-2)

Exam Type: Objective (MCQ), Questions: 180 (02 marks each), M. Marks: 360 and Time: 03 Hours.


Thermal Engineering

Boilers: Fire tube, water tube, mountings and accessories. Equivalent evaporation, efficiencies.

Steam and gas turbines: Impulse and reaction. Turbine components. Classification. Steam conndensers, components and construction features. Internal combustion engines, classification. Two stroke and four stroke engines. Main components and their functions. Air standard cycles, otto, diesel, dual; efficiencies. Engine lubrication, cooling systems.

Air compressors: Types reciprocating and rotary, single stage and two stage compressors. Simple numerical problems.

Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

Refrigeration: Various cycles. COP. Representation of cycles in p-V, T-S and P-H diagrams.

Vapour compression system: Wet and dry compression. Domestic refrigerator. Vapour absorption system, cycles of operation. Simple numerical problems.

Refrigerants: Classification, properties SO2, CO2, NH3, Freon-12 etc.

Air conditioning: Psychrometery, basic ideas of salient terms-dry and wet bulb temperatures, dew point, enthalpy, sensible heating, humidification and dehumidification, sensible heat factor, basic knowledge of room air conditioning. Central air conditioning systems.

Hydraulics & Hydraulic Machines

Fluid Properties: Pressure-depth relationship, total pressure on lamina, condition of equilibrium of floating bodies, meta center and meta centric height (simple numerical problems).

Fluid dynamics: types of flow, equation of continuity. Bernoulli equation, orifices, coefficients of contraction, velocity and discharge. Minor losses in fluid flow. Venturimeter, orifice meter, pilot tube.

Notches and weirs: Rectangular notch, V-notch francis and bazin formulae for rectangular weirs. Broad crested weirs. Flow through pipes, friction loss darcy weisbach equation. Simple numerials.

Channels: uniform flow in rectangular and trapezoidal channels. Chezy and manning equations. Most economical sections.

Hydraulic machines: Impulse and reaction turbines, pelton, francis and kaplan turbines-constructional and operational features. Velocity diagrams.

Pumps: Centrifugal and reciprocating pumps. Basic knowledge of constructional and operational features.


Manufacturing Processes

Metal forming processes: Classification on the basis of properties of deformability, fusibility and divisibility such as rolling, forging, drawing, extruding, pressing, punching, blanking, spinning.

Welding: Concept of various welding processes-electric arc, resistance, thermit, metal-inert-gas, tungsten-inert-gas, laser beam, electron beam, explosion and ultrasonic.

Welding of different materials in industries: Plastics, aluminium, copper, brass, bronze, alloy steels, cast iron, stainless steel; oxyacetylene method. Welding arcs; arc initiation, structure, types, metal transfer characteristics. Different types of electrodes. Basic knowledge of testing of welds and relevant welding code.

Foundry practice: Patterns and moulding-pattern types, materials, allowances, layout, colour scheme, difects cores.

Moulding process: Mould materials, types of sands, parting powders, sand mixing and preparation. Moulding defects. Melting and pouring. Basic knowledge of refractory materials and fluxes. Furnaces-cupola, pit, tilting and electric types.

Special castings: Shell mould casting, die casting, investment mould casting. Centrifugal and continuous casting, full mould casting.

Powder metallurgy: Basic knowledge of the process, production of metal powders, blending, compaction, sintering etc. Self lubricated bearings. Advantages and limitations of the process.

Machine Tool Technology & Maintenance

Machine tools: Basic common features, drive systems, sources of power, work and tool holding devices, speed varying systems, mechanical methods of providing automaticity in machine tools.

Lathe: Various parts, their functions and kinematics, lathe accessories and attachments. Capstan and turret lathe tools operations carried out on lathes such as turning, taper turning, drilling, screw cutting, reaming, knurling. Common lath tools and their uses. Simple kanowledge of computer numerical control (CNC) lathes and automation.

Milling machines: Types, components, general maintenance. Operations such as plane milling, angular milling, straddle milling, spur gear milling, endexing.

Shaping, planing and slotting machines: Components, working principle, quick return mechanism; types of tools used, their geometry.

Drilling and boring machines: Constructional details and principle of working. Classification such as simple and radial types. Tools used. Maintenance; general and periodic.

Grinding machines: Types common abrasive materials, grains, grits; speeds and feeds. Use of coolants.

Jigs and fixtures: Difference between jigs and fixtures, types of jigs.

Cooling processes: Coolants and cutting fluids their fuctions, selection for different materials and operations.

Workshop Practice & Production Technology

Workshop technology: Scope in engineering. Brief survey of different shops generally contained in a standard engineering workshop viz. Carpentry, foundry, smithy, sheet metal, fitting, painting and machine shops.

Carpentry: Common carpentry tools-their classification such as marking and measuring, holding and supporting, cutting and sawing, drilling and boring, striking and turning (name of parts, functions and specification only).

Joining of timber components: Types of joints, common defects likely to occur in joints, their causes.

Foundry: Basic knowledge of tools used in foundries.

Patterns-types, uses and allowances: Green sand maoulding; sand preparation and additives, parting powders, problems in moulding, uses of cores, risers, gates, chills etc.

Smithy: Basic concepts of operations in smithy shop such as fullering, upsetting, swaging, forge welding drawing down. Tools used in smithy (names, functions and size specifications only) smithy forge, blower, shovel anvil, swage block, striking tools, punch , drift and hammers.

Sheet metal shop: Basic knowledge of operations such as laying out, shearing, blanking, seaming, burning, stamping etc., tools in sheet metal shop used for marking, measuring, punching.

Fitting shop: Fasterners like rivets, bolts, nuts, screws, keys, pins etc., (basic understanding only). Tools used in fitting shop such as threading tools, dies, taps, vices, wrench and spanners, hack saw, drills (names, function and specifications only).

Painting shop: Surface preparation, sand and emery papers, varnishing and polishing. Common materials used such as red oxide, putty, yellow clay. Defects likely to occur in painting and their remedies.

Machine shop: Elementary theory of metal cutting; chips-types, geometry of formation. Brief idea of newer machining processes such as abrasive jet machining, ultrasonic machining, chemical machining, electric discharge machining, leser beam machining, electron beam machining, plasma arc machining.

Metal finishing processes: Such as diamond machining, honing, lappings buffing etc.