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AWES OST Exam For APS PGT TGT PRT Vacancies 2025-26

Army Welfare Education Society (AWES) invited applications for the OST (Online Screening Test) to fill up the vacant posts of PGT, TGT and Primary Teacher in Army Public Schools for the year 2025-26. Candidates interested in APS Teacher Vacancies can apply online for the exam through awesindia.com from 10th Sep to 25th Oct 2024. AWES OST Exam for APS PGT TGT PRT Vacancies 2025-2026 like application form, vacancy details, eligibility, selection process, syllabus, admit card, score card etc info is given below.

AWES Army Public School Teacher Recruitment

Pay and Allowances (Salary) – As per AWES rules and regulations.

Number of Vacancies – Post for teachers (Regular or Fixed Term nature) will be advertised by each School/ Management separately in interview/ skills evaluation holding advertisements after the Online Screening Test. After finalization of APS PGT, TGT and PRT Vacancies by AWES for the session 2025-26, you can download School and Subject wise vacancy details below (check now).

There are total 136 Army Public Schools at various Cantonments and Military Stations all over India and approx 8700 teachers work in these schools. In the last 02 years the number of total vacancies in PGT/ TGT/ PRT were 2315 and 2169 respectively. Cluster-wise list of all Army Public Schools is given below.

See also: KVS PGT TGT Primary Teacher Recruitment 13000+ Posts

Eligibility Criteria (Qualification and Age Limit)

APS PGT (Post Graduate Teacher):

Subjects – Hindi, English Core, History, Accountancy, Biology, Biotechnology, Business Studies, Chemistry, Physics, Computer Science, Economics, Fine Arts, Geography, Home Science, Informatics Practices, Mathematics, Physical Education, Political Science and Psychology.
Educational Qualification – Post Graduation in the concerned subject and B.Ed with minimum 50% marks in each qualifications.

See also: Uttarakhand Lecturer Recruitment UKPSC PGT Vacancies

APS TGT (Trained Graduate Teacher):
Subjects – English, Hindi, Sanskrit, SST, Mathematics, Science, Computer Science and Physical Education.
Educational Qualification – Graduation in the concerned subject and B.Ed with minimum 50% marks in each qualifications and CTET/TET qualified. In case of less than 50% marks in Graduation, candidate having minimum 50% marks or more in Post-Graduation with the subject applied for, will also be eligible to apply.

See also: Uttarakhand LT Assistant Teacher Recruitment TGT Posts

APS PRT (Primary Teacher):
Educational Qualification – Graduation in the concerned subject and B.Ed/ 02 years D.El.Ed/ B.El.Ed with minimum 50% marks in each qualifications and CTET/TET qualified.

Note: CTET/TET is not mandatory for appearing in the Online Screening Exam. However, CTET/TET conducted by Central/ State Govt is mandatory for appointment as TGTs/PRTs in the Regular and Fixed Term category.

Age Limit (As on 01st April of appointment year):
Fresh Candidates – Maximum 40 years. Candidates having no teaching experience will be considered as fresh candidates.
Experienced Candidates – Maximum 57 years. Candidates having minimum 05 years teaching experience in the last 10 years will be considered as experienced candidates.
Army Spouses – Maximum 40 years for fresh candidates and maximum 45, 50 & 57 years for holders of teaching experience with minimum 05, 07 & 09 years respectively.

See also: Navodaya Vidyalaya PGT TGT Recruitment Vacancies

AWES APS Selection Process, Exam Pattern and Centres

The process consists of Stage 1st (Online Screening Test/ OST), Stage 2nd (Interview) and Stage 3rd (Evaluation of Teaching skills and computer proficiency). After the completion of Stage 1st (Screening exam), OST Score Card will be issued to all qualified candidates which will be valid for life provided the candidate picks up a teaching job within 03 years in any CBSE affiliated school for a continuous duration of at least 01 year.

Stage 2 and Stage 3 tests will be conducted by respective Army Public Schools usually between December-March after vacancy announcements through school websites or news papers. Appointments in the posts of PGT, TGT and PRT for the Regular and Fixed Term category will be made as per CBSE/ AWES Rules.

Stage-1 (Online Screening Test)

The AWES OST Exam will be conducted online in the MCQ format. The screening test will be of 03 Hours duration and will consist of 200 Multiple Choice questions (01 marks each). There will be negative marking of ¼ marks for every wrong answer given by candidates. APS Screening Exam for PGT, TGT, PRT will be conducted as per the syllabus (pattern) below:

  • Section A: Basic GK and Current Affairs (10 Questions).
  • Section B: Pedagogy, Curriculum and Education Policy matters (20 Questions).
  • Section C: Academic Proficiency (170 Questions).

There will be no minimum passing marks for the Online Screening Test. Once the candidate has finished attempting the question paper and the answer sheet is submitted, an automatic Absolute Result Exam Summary will be generated instantly. The candidate can note down the result immediately from the result displayed on the screen.

10% of total number of questions paper of each subject as per the pattern will be provided as Mock Questions Paper in PDF format to upload on the website for the candidates reference from 01st Nov 2024.

You can download AWES OST Sample Question Papers through the links below (depending on availability):
PGT Sample Question Papers
TGT Sample Question Papers
PRT Sample Question Papers

Stage-2 (Interview)

The Interview will be held by respective schools after announcing the vacancies through Local Newspapers, the School Website, Notice board etc. Candidates applied for Regular Post will be interviewed by Central Selection Board (CSB) and candidates applied for Fixed Term category will be interviewed by Local Selection Board (LSB).

Stage-3 (Teaching skills)

Stage 3rd consists of Evaluation of Teaching skills and computer proficiency. For Language teachers, written exam comprising Essay & Comprehension of 15 marks each will be held along with evaluation of teaching skills. Selection Committee may also conduct Computer proficiency tests.

OST Examination Centres

Agra, Jhansi, Ahmedabad, Jodhpur, Ambala, Kanpur, Bangalore, Kolkata, Bareilly, Lucknow, Bathinda, Mathura, Bhopal, Meerut, Chandigarh, Mumbai, Chennai, Nagpur, Dehradun, Noida, Delhi, Pathankot, Gorakhpur, Patiala, Guwahati, Patna, Gwalior, Prayagraj, Hisar, Pune, Hyderabad, Ranchi, Indore, Roorkee, Jabalpur, Siliguri, Jaipur, Trivandrum, Jalandhar, Varanasi and Jammu.

See also: APS Hempur Recruitment PGT, TGT, PRT and Other Posts
See also: APS Ranikhet Recruitment PGT, TGT, PRT and Other Posts
See also: Army Public School Almora Teacher and Staff Recruitment
See also: APS Pithoragarh Recruitment PGT, TGT and PRT Vacancies

List of all Army Public Schools (Cluster-wise)

CLUSTER-1: APS Pune, Kirkee, Dighi, Dehu Road and Khadakvasla.
CLUSTER-2: APS Devlali, Mumbai, Ahmednagar and Kamptee.
CLUSTER-3: APS Jaisalmer, Jodhpur and Nasirabad.
CLUSTER-4: APS Ahmedabad, Dharangdhara and Bhuj.
CLUSTER-5: APS Bhopal, Gwalior, Babina, Saugor, Jhansi and Talbehat.
CLUSTER-6: APS Secunderabad (RKP), Secunderabad (Bolarum) and Golconda.
CLUSTER-7: APS Bangalore, ASC Centre & College, PRTC, Chennai, Wellington, Trivandrum and Cannanore.
CLUSTER-8: APS Kolkata, Barrackpore and Panagarh.
CLUSTER-9: APS Narangi, Basistha, Shillong, Umroi and Happy Valley.
CLUSTER-10: APS Jorhat.
CLUSTER-11: APS Binnaguri, Bagrakote, Bengdubi, Sukna, Gangtok, Darjeeling and Kalimpong.
CLUSTER-12: APS Tezpur, Tenga Valley, Missamari and Rangapahar.
CLUSTER-13: APS Agartala.
CLUSTER-14: APS Dinjan.
CLUSTER-15: APS Chandimandir and Dagshai.
CLUSTER-16: APS Ambala, Patiala, Sangrur and Nahan.
CLUSTER-17: APS Jalandhar, Kapurthala, Ferozpur, Amritsar, Tibri and Beas.
CLUSTER-18: APS Mamun Cantt, Yol Cantt, Unchibassi, Kandrori, Janglot, Madhopur and Pathankot.
CLUSTER-19: APS Kaluchak, Sunjwan, Damana, Ratnuchak, BD Bari, Samba, Jammu and Miran Sahib.
CLUSTER-20: APS Delhi Cantonment, Dhaula Kuan, Shankar Vihar and Noida.
CLUSTER-21: APS Lucknow (SP), Lucknow (NR), Lucknow (LSB), Faizabad, Kunraghat and Agra.
CLUSTER-22: APS Bareilly, Pithoragarh (BCJ), Ranikhet, Almora, Hempur and Fatehgarh.
CLUSTER-23: APS Jabalpur No.1 and Jabalpur No.2.
CLUSTER-25: APS Danapur, Ramgarh and Gaya.
CLUSTER-26: APS Allahabad, Varanasi, Mathura, Old Cantt Allahabad and Kanpur.
CLUSTER-27: APS Roorkee No.1, Roorkee No.2, Lansdowne, Meerut, Raiwala, Clement Town and Birpur.
CLUSTER-28: APS Gopalpur.
CLUSTER-29: APS Udhampur, Dhar Road, Leh, Srinagar, Akhnoor, RakhMuthi and Nagrota.
CLUSTER-30: APS Jaipur, Itarana (Alwar) and Kota.
CLUSTER-31: APS Bikaner and Suratgarh.
CLUSTER-32: APS Bhatinda, Fazilka, Faridkot, Abohar, Ganganagar and Lalgarh.
CLUSTER-33: APS Hisar.
CLUSTER-34: APS Ranchi.
CLUSTER-35: APS Birchgunj (A&N).

See also: APS Recruitment PGT TGT PRT Regular Posts 2025

Application form, Important Dates and Notification

Eligible and interested candidates are required to apply online for the AWES OST Exam for APS Teacher Vacancies through awesindia.com from 10th Sep to 25th Oct 2024. Before applying online keep ready your valid email id, mobile number, aadhar card and scanned copies of photograph, signature, date of birth proof and education qualification certificates to upload with the online registration form.

You will have to pay the exam fee using UPI/ Debit Card/ Credit Card/ Net banking. Once registration is completed, you will get a confirmation that registration is successful and the same will also be informed through e-mail and SMS. You are advised to read the registration instructions carefully and provide all the required details while submitting the online application form.

Important Dates:
Opening date of registration of online form: 10th September 2024 (10:00 AM)
Last date of registration of online form: 25th October 2024 (11:59 PM)
Admit Card download: 12th November 2024
Online Screening Test (OST) date: 23rd-24th November 2024
Result declaration: 10th December 2024

For more information about AWES OST Exam, you can download the Official Notification in pdf format below.

OST Admit Card, Result and Score Card

AWES PGT TGT PRT Screening Exam (OST) is scheduled to be conducted on 23rd-24th November 2024. The Admit Card (Call letter) will be available to download through the official website from 12th Nov 2024. You can download your Admit Card details from the direct link below (Email/ Phone number and Password) to confirm the exact exam date, time and place.

PGT TGT PRT Result (Final Score Card) will be declared on 10th Dec 2024. Stay connected for any latest information about AWES APS Recruitment, CSB/ OST Screening Exam and Vacancy announcements.

See also: APS Bareilly Recruitment PGT, TGT, PRT and Other Posts
See also: GAPPS Raiwala Recruitment Teacher and Other Vacancies

Army Public School Vacancy Notification

Download below the official recruitment notification for PGT/ TGT/ PRT (Regular/ Contractual) released by AWES for various Army Public Schools for the year 2025-26:

APS Dhaula Kuan
Army Public School Kamptee
APS Bathinda Cantt
APS Ahmedabad Cantt
APS Rangapahar
APS Jodhpur
APS Old Cantt Prayagraj
APS Tenga Valley
APS Shillong and Happy Valley
APS ASC Bangalore
APS Srinagar
APS Bolarum
APS Jodhpur
APS Noida
APS Missamari
APS Kalimpong/ Gangtok/ Darjeeling
APS Binnaguri/ Bengdubi/ Sukna
APS Kota
APS Kolkata

Stay connected for official recruitment notification for other schools.

Search any information available on this site by the help of the search box above. You may visit later on this page for more updates related to AWES Recruitment, Army Public School Jobs, PGT TGT PRT Vacancies, OST Exam etc.

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70 Comments on "AWES OST Exam For APS PGT TGT PRT Vacancies 2025-26"

  1. I did B.A B.ed & MBa can I apply for Pgt economics

  2. Pooja Gairathi says:

    im jbt and ctet qualified can i able to apply for prt

    1. PRADEEP KUMAR says:

      If ur not qualify csb then u r not

    2. Jayaprathap Gandham says:

      yes ur eligible

  3. i have done mba and b ed so can i apply for pgt commerce post?

    1. RASMIPRAVA says:

      Is awes exam going to postponed

  4. Twinkle sharma says:

    I have done MCA .Can I apply for the post of PGT compter science .? Is BEd necessary for it…?

    1. Yes, you are eligible to apply. B.Ed qualification isn't necessary for PGT Computer Science.

  5. Nikita yadav says:

    Sir I have done b.el.ed. and ctet qualified. can I apply for prt??

  6. suman rajput says:

    hii sir mene pgt ka form dala h jisme form fill krne m father,s name glt ho gya h kya m test de skti hu ab ya dubara iska form dalu plz tell me

    1. You are advised not to submit another application. You may contact at Helpline numbers for such assistance.

  7. Sir I am MA Hindi but i have not B.ed, can i apply PGT hindi Post

  8. Anil Sharma says:

    hii sir kuchh log kah rhe h ki 1 year ke liye hi aapka slaction kiya jayega kya ye sach hai?

  9. prashant sharma says:

    paper hindi and english bilingaul hoga ya keval english mai aayega

    1. I have cbs score card and i have done b tech computer science. Can i apply for prt post in army public school

  10. SEEMA SREEDHAR says:


  11. sir when will declare the result of army public school pgt exam pls tell me is it already declared

    1. Stay connected, APS PGT, TGT & PRT result will be declared soon.

  12. Garima gupta says:

    i m unable to find out the result of PGT …….it should be on 23rd…..plz inform us when it will be declared…..

  13. when will the result be declared? why the delay? is it bcoz of the postponement of exams in chennai?

  14. I passed the exam and how many schools I can apply

  15. SALI S NANDAN says:

    Sir,what is the last date of recieving interview applications by schools?

  16. MEENU ANEJA says:

    i have passed CSB PGT hindi can i apply of tgt hindi

  17. Sir I have cleared csb exam and ctet and had done b.ed also…..how cn I get a job in army school

  18. Sir I have passed CTET but my dob is 31.03.1974. Can apply for AWES Public school for TGT

  19. SADHANA.S says:


  20. I have completed m.sc, m.Phil psychology regular and Pg diploma in guidance and counseling also Pg diploma i n HRM, currently pursuing ph.d part time.. Can u pls guide me.

  21. Kavita Thakur says:

    Can women who work in aps get transfer in other school if her husband is in defence? If she does job there on regular basis

  22. meenakshi says:

    Sir maine btc ki hai and ctet teen baar clear kar lia hai with uptet also kya main upciming vacancies mein appky kar sakti hu

  23. shuchita jain says:

    i am m.sc biotechnology with b.ed
    can i apply for pgt biology also ?

  24. virender singh says:

    sir i have done bsc in physics. can i apply for the post of TGT mathematics.

  25. Aswathi Saji says:

    i have done bsc computer science.can i apply for this.please rply

  26. Sr I'm ba bed in social science, can I apply for this exam

  27. Rakesh Singh says:

    hello sir
    good evening
    I have master degree in Computer software and hard ware engineering . so can I am able to apply for PGT Computer Teacher I have also 5 years exprience

  28. Anurag Samuel says:

    hi sir.. I am BSc BIOTECHNOLOGY+ MSc Microbiology + BEd. Am I eligible in any of the three categories? I will be very thankful for your reply.

  29. Deepak Sharma says:

    Hello sir,

    I just completed b.a. and B.ed but my ctet is not clear so I am eligible for this job.Please reply me as soon as possible.

    Poonam Sharma

  30. chetan gehlot says:

    Is it parmanent job or 3 years

  31. Swati Kundra says:

    I have done JBT and my HTET and CTET are clear so am I eligible for applying ??? Plz reply ASAP

    1. Kimi Bhatia says:

      Physical education paper needs to be filled for PRT. Pls reply soon

  32. neetu grewal says:

    sir mera m.sc 4th sem ka result ni aya h abhi. kya m pgt k ly apply kr skti hu.plz plz reply sir

  33. Nilesh Patil says:

    I have completed D.Ed in yr 2009 to 2011 after that I enrolled in the Indian Army since Dec 2011. So can i am able to for PRT? You are kindly requested to consider this comment and give suitable reply at your end please.

  34. Anushri Tripathi says:

    I have cleared part A only of army pgt screening exam …..now result is showing as qualified for PRT only…..but i m not eligible for CTET 1 to 5 as have done B.ed.of 1 year only and qualified CTET 6 to 8………..can i apply for PRT

  35. What is the next step after receiving score card.how will we come to know about the concerned vacancy in scool

  36. Syed Iqbal says:

    Sir I have got my score card that I qualified in screening
    Now how to proceed for next stages I didn't receive any messages

  37. Shekher Thakur says:

    Sir iam MSC mathematics b.ed with tet and M.A. history I am teaching mathematics from 18 years. Can I apply for aps.

  38. amit kumar says:

    I hv done BA in maths and B.ed and tet .Can I apply for tgt math? Please confirm me…………

  39. Can i fill the registration now .although the date has expired.



  41. D.V.Sandhya Rani says:

    Sir I have all the qualifications required by you. I am MA.B.ed. I am a student of KV and army public school Hyderabad. I have teaching experience of 17 years. I am not understanding what this CSB card is. Will you please let me know sir. As I studied in army public school,golconda, very much interested to render my services to that school. At present working in Delhi public school. Please guide me how to approach to secure a job in army public school,golconda.

    1. Please see detailed notification.

  42. Hi sir,
    I have applied for army TGT maths exam. If I clear only part A section, will they consider me for army prt job.

  43. I have qualified for prt in aps recruitment. When will the call letter or announcement come for interview?

  44. Niraj Kumar Yadav says:

    Sir, iam bca graduate and 3rd sem student of diploma in elementry education. Can i apply for tgt comp science.

  45. phinehas martin says:

    I am MBA Finance and b.ed
    Can I apply for PGT Commerce?

  46. rajesh yelisela says:

    I applied for pgt computer science with mtech degree , is it possible to apply for tgt computer science with btech degree?

    because my highest qualification is Mtech but my result in CGPA, but in application form they given percentage. suggest me

    1. You can convert your CGPA to percentage of marks.

  47. rajesh yelisela says:

    Can I apply for TGT computer science as I already applied for PGT computer science for APS 2020?

  48. Rajyashree singh says:

    Maine pgt or tgt dono ka form fill kiya hai kya mai ek bhi exam nhi de paungi kya dono post ka candidature cancel ho jayega

    1. pradeep poonia says:

      Your candidature will be cancelled. One candidate can apply for one post only.

  49. Sir ,I have done B.ed but my M.A.final result is awaited. May I apply ?

    1. PG must be completed for PGT, however you can apply for TGT.

  50. pradeep poonia says:

    Sir i have done b.sc and B.Ed. I qualified in CTET paper-2. Am i eligible for the post of PRT.

  51. K P Singh says:

    What should I do next ? I have crossed screen test for pgt english with respectable score.Will any Army school inform me about the vacancy?

    1. No, you will have to check school’s official website or daily newspapers for the vacancy notification.

  52. Sunita gautam says:

    good morning sir abhi present m apki awes ki jo vacancy August 22 m nikali h usme hum essential qualification fill karrahe h but my form is not submitte only message that plz fill the essential qualification again n again
    plz sir clear this which essential qualification

    1. For clarification you should contact at the helpdesk numbers mentioned on the registration portal.

  53. Brijesh Kumar says:

    sir I have passed OST PRT and have CSB score how to apply for prt jobs?

    1. To apply for the APS Jobs, you must be aware of the recruitment advertisements published by the schools through local newspaper or its official website.

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